Places to go

Monday, April 18, 2011

Martin Block 1954

Martin Block had the first really big DJ show in the 1930s and made a huge career after.  WNEW blanketed the eastern United States, he did several shows for the networks and for AFRTS.  His one on one style served him very well.

It's an interesting story:

1 comment:

  1. As a young teenager my Dad brought home some 45s that came from an old Road House on Highway 49 in Grass Valley, California. These 45s were produced by AFRTS and each record began with an introduction by Martin Block of a big band song with a little history of the artist (Winterhalter, Miller, Dorsey, etc.) The song would play and then Martin would have some closing comments about the music and a pitch for war bonds. He'd then finish with his signature "This is Martin Block saying goodnight to you, and you, and especially to you."
    These records introduced the sound of big bands to this 14-year old in 1965 and Martin's descriptions of the artists and background enriched it beyond the melodies. Big band music has continued to be a real source of joy in my life ever since and led to my eventual acquaintance with Tex Beneke and friendship with the current Glenn Miller Band. I have Martin and AFRTS to thank for that. I wish I could find those recordings again.
