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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jack Brown 15 Nov. 1923 - 19 Oct. 2011

October 2011,  we lost former director of AFRTS programming Jack Brown. 

Jack Brown
Awarded US Secretary of Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
Professor Radio, TV, Film CSUN.
General Manager KCSN - Retired
Actor, Television, Radio and Motion Pictures
Former president and charter member, Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters. Former owner of the Don Martin School of Broadcasting.  Jack was a Ham radio operator and former Volunteer at Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic. He was also a volunteer reader at his church, St. Mary the Virgin, Chatsworth.

In the early 1960s, Jack was the host of "Rocketing Rhythms", the countdown show.

Rocketing Rhythms


  1. That's my grandfather.

  2. Small world. I attended Don Martin's in 1968-69 after coming home from Vietnam. Little did I know that less than 10years later I would undergo the DINFOS training and become an Army broacaster and Thom Whestom's boss for a year and a half in Panama in 80-82. Smaj Knight
