Saturday, June 30, 2018

What Are We Fighting For 1943

In 1943, there were a handful of stations/networks but the whole AFRS thing hadn't come together yet.  CBS helped produce "What are We Fighting For".  The War Department made sure it was heard worldwide.  Edward R Murrow was the journalists journalist and a fascinating story in his own right.

Friday, June 29, 2018

AFRTS shortwave 1964

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When I was a kid in the late 60s sometimes I'd catch AFRTS-W on the shortwave, I remember it as continuous news items and pretty cool.

In 1964 the shortwave service ran a lot of news/public affairs but also ran entertainment programming. Ira Cook, Perry Como, Hawaii Calls, CBS Radio Workshop, Les Crane and more.  It was a full service station.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Suspense 1950

Suspense has a long history with AFRTS, from WWII when the new shows were being broadcast off and on until well into the 1980s.  Quality Radio. Edward G Robinson is featured in a typical role about an evil little man, his invalid wife, and temptation in this 1950 "A Case Of Nerves".  This particular disk had made the rounds at our stations in Canada.