Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Chris Noel - 1967

In 1967, the biggest show was "A Date With Chris".  Chris Noel brought a helping of home every day.  She still does way more than her share with her veterans shelter in Florida.  Please do what you can to help.  Click here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kate Smith - 1944

In WWII AFRS did a series of shows called "Personal Album", these were 15 minutes of minutes with a popular star, usually with the star talking about their music and lives.  Today a visit with Kate Smith and Ted Collins.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Enchantment of Music 1964

There was a lot of orchestral music over the years, perfect to the dinner hour.  "The Enchantment of Music".  Bruce Wendell hosted from KCBH in Beverly Hills, showing high fidelity sound.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fall cleaning?

If you have a bunch of AFRTS disks in storage somewhere, we'd really love the chance to be able to share them with others.  Many times those memories just end up packed away.  I could tell you stories... If you'd like to share them with folks just like us who'd appreciate it, contact me. or let me know on the "Hit Line"612-356-2377.  Thanks!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Chris Noel - 1971

A pretty girl IS like a melody.  Chris made home just a little closer for Vietnam era troops.  Here's a 1971 listen.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


I had posted this on the Facebook afrtsarchive page (click here)  Someone, not me has posted Chickenman.  The White Winged Warrior was even broadcast in Afghanistan during the early part of the war.  He's an all time hero.

AFN Patty Cunningham 1986

Start your day with Patty Cunningham on AFN!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Robert Q Lewis - 1958

Robert Q was perfect for his times.  In 1958 radio was in a transitional period and he was on CBS.  AFRTS ran it worldwide.
John Miller thought Bob Crewe was singing on this:

I am Bob's brother Dan and after listening to the recording I can say without any doubt that it is he. Although I am not familiar with this event, I know Bob was by 1957 very active in promoting his singing career. Although he did have some success as a performer he changed direction and focused on song writing and record production. I joined him in 1962 and together we had a great run with artists such as the Four Seasons, Mitch Ryder etc. Bob passed away September 11,2014 here in Maine where he was in a medical nursing home. Thank you for this forgotten event. By the way, I know Bob and       Robert Q. enjoyed a long friendship.

Best regards,
Dan Crewe

Monday, September 7, 2015

Whistler - 1962

So how on earth do you date these?  We were running the Whistler well into the 1980s.  It wasn't so much "Old Time Radio" as an interesting story on the radio.  This is a 1961 reissue of a 1950 broadcast. "The Chinese Elephant Puzzle" is the story of a wooden puzzle filled with diamonds, an elusive prize.