You can help afrtsarchive

There's several ways that you can help make this a better place:

  1. Tell a friend.  You know people that appreciated what the stations did over the years.  They might like it too. That's the best advertising.  Some of us were at the stations around the world.  Some were in AFRTS-LA, AFRTS-NY or AFRTS-W, some turned the radio on before a day in the "real army".  Some were residents of the host countries.  AFRTS touched a lot of people.  Tell your Friends on Facebook and Twitter.
  2. Tell your story.  The whole story is huge.  All of the groups above  were a part and the others would find it interesting.
  3. Share your media.  Some recorded things off the radio or rescued disks from the dumpster.  I'd like to hear what you have and I'm sure others would too.  Is there a box in the basement/garage/storage?
  4. Feed the kitty.  If you could make a contribution, we can have nicer things.  Everyone who has clicked the Paypal box, thank you so very much.  If you haven't yet...there's still time.  Paypal will convert any currency.  Just click the "Donate" button.

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Your help makes this a nicer place. Thank you.

If any outside media would like to tell our story, I'll do what I can to help.

Thank you for visiting, let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

The following contributors have made this a better place.  Thank you very much:

Linda Lord
Erkan Acar
Ken Hissong
William James
Dale Nulik
John Miller
Chris Andrews
Glen May
Burt Schneider
Steven Kuhn
Jeff McKnight
Gary Schneider
Robert Baucik
Joseph Webb
Roger Carroll
Garry Terrell
Bill Cain
Joel O'Brien
Pete Pittman
Joe Ferguson
Don Dornberg
Phillip Holloway
Robert Schultz
Barry Thomas
Gerry Fry
Robert Cleveland

AFKN, Korea 1976-77
SCN, Panama 1980-83
612-356-AFRS (612-356-2377)

1 comment:

  1. This brings back so many memories. I was introduced to CCR. THE WHO and so many other groups on this station. Of course in the morning it was radio luxemburg and at some point it would turn intO AFN and I could not wait. Thank you for the fond memories
