Thursday, August 17, 2017

Chris Noel 1968

Chris Noel is an amazing story if you haven't heard it already take a look at her website.

She still does so much more than she has too.  Vetsville is a homeless shelter for veterans that she keeps running.  Make a contribution, go to her website and buy something.  It helps.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

AFRTS at 50, FEN at 30

The history of AFRTS was published by AFRTS in 1993 to celebrate the anniversary. It's been impossibly out of print. This is a reprint. If you'd like to read it online Click here

Far East Network

The Far East Network was headquartered out of Japan and at times FEN was the callsign of stations in several countries. There was an interesting history. Air Force SGT Jim Dougherty has the highlights of the first 30 years.

FEN 30th anniversary 1975
More of our anniversaries

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Chris Noel 1968

 Chris Noel

A while back I was called by someone with a week of Chris Noel shows.  He wanted to know if I was interested.  Safe assumption that was.  So from late 1968, A Date With Chris

AFRTS 1979

In October 1979 Vincente was recording the Torrejon station.  We'll hear from our AFRTS-LA friends  Kris Erik Stevens, Wolfman, Johnnie Darin and a bunch of surprises.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Jubilee 1944

Ernie Whitman

What a great show.  In the early years, Jubilee featured the best African-American entertainment.  On this new Transfer it's Ernie "Bubbles Whitman" hosting Tiny Bradshaw, Loumell Morgan and more.