Monday, July 15, 2024

Ralph Gebes AFTN 1973


Captain Madrack sent in some nice sounding memories of the Thailand network.

I really appreciate it and I'm sure that a lot of others do when you share your airchecks with us all. I threw mine away and greatly regretted it later. Please let me know what you have.

Today the good Captain (Ralph Gebes) is still involved with the troops:

Thom I am very involved in support our deployed troops. Operation Support Our Troops Illinois We have a concert every year with Gary Sinise and the Lt Dan Band. I will send you a copy of last year’s concert. I have taken up video production I am not making a living at it but produce videos for the VFW, OSOTIL, and the local cable access channel. I enjoy the creative side of things and often wish I could be on the air again.

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