Sunday, August 31, 2014

Billy Pearl - 1975

Roger Carroll's company did the recruiting shows that you may have heard Sunday mornings, with Gene Price, Roland Bynum, Wolfman Jack, RC and Billy Pearl.

Billy was never a vet of Ft McCadden but was doing some wonderful work on KHJ.  Later to KFMB, , KRLA, KIQQ, KMPC and KABC.  Currently Billy is a lawyer in Long Beach.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

AFKN Reunion - 2014

Brian Hartzell has made it happen.  October 9-11, 2014 at the Paris Resort and Casino in Las Vegas there will be a reunion.  There's more information here:

When were those used?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Adrian Cronauer

Here's some video of Adrian Cronauer talking about Good Morning Vietnam.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Top Pops

I miss grabbing an armful of these and rocking a storm....

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Meet the Press - 1961

Edward R. Murrow was the journalists journalist.  Eventually Mr. Murrow was a vice president of the CBS.  In 1961 he was the director of the US Information Agency for the Voice Of America, and presented America to the rest of the world.

AFRTS presented the big news interview shows.  This is from a 1961 "Meet The Press"

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Jill's All-Time Jukebox 1945

While Martha Wilkinson was doing the GI Jive she also did an oldies show.

AFRTS Torrejon December 1981

Here's more memories from our friend Vicente in Spain.  Way back when he recorded a lot of the Torrejon Air Base station.  I'm grateful he's shared them. We ran many of the same shows worldwide.  On this is Wolfman Jack, Casey, Bob Kingsley, Robert W Morgan with the Special of the Week, morning show and more.  

Torrejon AB

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Army Hour - 1960 - Audie Murphy

PFC Ralph McDermitt from the 3rd Division PAO shop had the chance to interview the most decorated veteran of WWII, Audie Murphy.

This interview went out on a 1960 "Army Hour"

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Danny Kramer - 1983

In 1983 AFRTS tried an interesting experiment and used jocks from all over the country.  Most were top talent that had soldiered at an AFRTS station way back when.  Bob Moke, Joe Ferguson and others.  AFRTS Alaska vet Danny Kramer was one.  The day job was KSL in Salt Lake.  Here's part of what went worldwide.

Now Danny has taken the show online.  Take a look/listen