Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Intermezzo - 1942

There's always been symphonic favorites.  "Intermezzo" was the music, back announced.  A formula they were still using for "Just Music" in the 1960s.  Major Meredith Willson leads the AFRS Orchestra. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

World In Music - 1945

Education and music, with the rhythms of Latin America.  It's all part of the World In Music...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oscar Brand - 1961

In the late 50s there was a series of "Bawdy Songs and Backroom Ballads".  These were varying degrees of bawdy but recorded by Oscar Brand.  Oscar was one of the faces of folk music.  By the early 60s Oscar was recording shows for the government (Social Security Administration, HEW and probably others).  AFRTS ran these shows.  Here's a 1961 visit.

GI Jive - 1946

Jill was one of the first to bring America to the troops.  She had a long run and a LOT of the shows are available.  I'm happy to be able to say that.

Protestant Hour - 1971

The Chaplains Board had a dual mission.  To be true to their faith, yet inclusive to all.  AFRTS had several hours of their programming every Sunday morning.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bob Hope - 1945

Bob Hope kept doing shows for the troops.  In 1945 he brought his show to NAS Corpus Christie,

Boyd Bennett - My Boy Flattop 1955

This was always one of my favs. A squared away haircut cut is this kids best characteristic. Played this a lot in Panama and Korea. I picked up the 16" library disk of this a few years ago. Never thought I'd find it in a thousand years. Transfer is a little fast on this..

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Showtime - 1944

In 1944 AFRS brought the troops the best of Broadway with "Showtime".  Initially Dinah Shore was the hostess, but later there were others.  Today, Marilyn Maxwell..

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

AFVN - Go Show - Tom Watson -1970

(Sebastian Cabot) "Ladies and gentlemen, the beat goes on."  From Hans Knot an upgraded memory of AFVN,

Tom Watson is a "Broadcaster".  I thinks that's something we all wanted to be.  He kept it up.  Here's what our friends at http://www.macoi.net had to say:

"Taking a break from commercial broadcasting via the Selective Service system, Tom entered the military, where he spent two years on active duty. Following his Army training, which included a broadcasting course at Fort Benjamin Harrison's DINFOS, Tom was assigned to AFVN in Saigon. During his tour in 1969-70, Tom hosted the "Go" show playing Top 40 hits from 6 to 9 each night, and he also covered the daily MACV news briefings at JUSPAO. Upon his return to the US, he was sent to Fort Ord as NCOIC of the radio/TV facility. Prior to his discharge in April 1970, Tom began a weekend job at KMBY in Monterey, California.
Tom's KMBY stint evolved into a full time air slot doing nights until KQEO, Albuquerque, hired him for the noon-to-3 airshift. He then moved on to KERN, Bakersfield, and tried his hand "up north" at CKGM in Montreal and CHUM in Toronto before WQXI in Atlanta brought him aboard in 1974."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

AFVN Scott Manning - 1968

Scott was from Milwaukee, his family later moved to Chicago. After high school he was briefly hired for a deejay position at Chicago's WCFL, but he soon left the station to join the Army where he was trained at DINFOS in 1966.  He was then assigned to Vietnam with duty at the 4th PSYOPS Group in Saigon, but his change of station request was granted and he began an on-air job at AFVN.  As a deejay, he hosted a daily show plus a Sunday evening show called "The Sergeant Pepper Hour."  After his promotion to SP5 and extending his tour Scott was appointed Program Director for the AFVN radio network.

Back in the USA, he worked as Operations Manager for KELP in El Paso before moving on to KAUM in Houston, WIFE Indianapolis, WKLH Milwaukee, KISW Seattle, KASS Casper, Wyoming, WAPE Jacksonville, and a drive-time show on WYBR in Rockford, Illinois.  Then in 1990, with 20 years of broadcast experience, Scott joined the ABC Radio Network in Dallas.  ABC operated a satellite radio service which provided programming in nine different genres to stations located in small and medium markets across the country.  Scott handled a daily "Classic Rock" program, as well as an "Oldies" show, interspersing musical selections with trivia and newsbits about featured artists.  ABC sold the system to Citadel Media in 2007.

Thanks to macoi.net for the information, Take a look...

Jim Ameche - 1959

Jim Ameche - 1940

Jim Ameche had two shows, the Jim Ameche show and the Jim Ameche Pop Concert.  Both of them featured the great orchestral music from around the world.  This is part of one of the first Pop Concerts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Chris Noel - 1968

The face of home to thousands of Vietnam era troops was Chris Noel.  She has spent the past several years running a homeless shelter for vets, in Florida "Ceasefire House" click here.  Our less fortunate brothers need your help.  Please consider helping.

A few years ago Chris sent her collection of shows to us so that we could hear them again.  Thanks Chris!!!

Here's a memory of 1968...