Saturday, March 29, 2014

Serenade In Blue - 1967

The military used commercial radio stations for recruiting in a big way starting with WWII.  Most of the programs were good entertainment.  Sometimes these shows would end up broadcast by AFRTS.  That puzzled me.  Although there were places like Germany and the Canal Zone with many dependents, most of our stations were on ships or in non-command sponsored areas.  Was there a purpose in playing an Air Force recruiting show on a Navy ship?  

Serenade in Blue was quality music from Air Force bands.  Here's a 1967 visit:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Chat With Mark Moss

Mark Moss had quite a career, Army, Air National Guard, tours at SEB Italy, AFKN Korea, Desert Storm and was a DINFOS instructor... 

Country Music Time

Country Music Time had a long run for USAF recruiting.  Today Perry Bullard features Leroy Van Dyke.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Is it spring yet?

I did want to thank Steven for making a contribution to the blog.  They help a lot.  There will be some acquisitions that I think we can all enjoy.  If you'd like to help, just click the "Donate" button on the left to start.  I won't be naggy.  Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Off the Wing Tip - 1967

We ran filler shows.  Prior to 1971 many of the DJ shows were 45 minutes.  With five minutes of news it left a ten minute hole.  "Off The Wing Tip" was a ten minute show.  I had assumed it was a recruiting program but I don't think so.  On this one from New York they spend some time with the pilots of the NYPD.

AFTN - Captain Madrac 1973

Before they made him use his real name, Ralph Gebes was Captain Madrack on AFTN Odapau, Thailand.  

There's a really great website with AFTN memories click here.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Yank Bandstand - 1946

In WWII many of the top US bands were in uniform for the war effort.  Yank Bandstand would present these bands.

Monday, March 10, 2014

GI Jive 1944

Armed Forces Radio's first heartthrob was Martha Wilkerson.  During WWII she started doing GI Jive and kept doing the show into the 1950s.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Link to us

Do you have a website?  Is it related to radio, military or were you an AFRTS vet?  I would like to link to it on the link page Just let me know

Monday, March 3, 2014

Music From Around the World - 1967

We did "World Music" when?  Irwin Frankel made a career of promoting music from around the world.  From 1959-1972 he promoted it on a radio program on WABC-FM New York.  In 1967 the network ran a lot of Local New York programming, probably having something to do with our relationships with the networks.

AFN Frankfurt - Derrick in the Morning 1994

1994 and Derrick Brennell starts your day

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Banners of Faith - 1971

Every Sunday, the Armed Forces Chaplains Board presented "Banners of Faith", a potpouri of faith based programs.

Billy Pearl - 1975

Billy was one of the jocks hired by Roger Carroll enterprises to do Army recruiting shows.  Very Talented.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Music From Your Hometown - 1947

One of the nicer things about being the Voice of Home were things like this.  Stations would send acetates of broadcasts to the network.  These would be made into new shows.
Leo Reisman - 1919
From roughly 1947 this is a "Music From Your Hometown" with Leo Reisman.  Reisman had been around since the early 20s.  By then he had a hotel band playing sweet music.  So from 1030 WBZ Boston, here's Leo Reisman: