Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Don Tracy 1984


No holding some people back.  Don was in Hartford, parlayed that into Los Angeles.  At the top of his game was doing the AFRTS show for a long time.  Thanks Don!

Don Tracy - 1984

More Don Tracy

Chris Noel 1969


There were a lot of troops on lonely outposts that welcomed each "Date With Chris"

She got pretty good at it.  Sounded like she cared, because she did, and does.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Joe Ferguson 1983


It's 1983 and the return of the Joe Show, Joe Ferguson from Portland OR

John Doremus 1968


That voice, here's John Doremus with symphonic music and stories.  It's always a treat.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gene Price 1974


Gene Price, Charlie Tuna and Jim Pewter

Gene had quite a run in Los Angeles radio: KDAY, 1966-67; KLAC, 1970-71; KFOX, 1972; KIQQ, 1973-74; KIIS, 1974; KLAC, 1975-84; KIKF, 1985-90; KLAC, 1990-93. In 1972 he signed with AFRTS.  Here's a memory of 1980

Gene Price and Company with your Country Favorites.  Inspired silliness.

Mary Helen Barro 1983


Hay una fiesta con Maria Elena Barro.

Mary Helen Barro did the Spanish show for ten years.  She spotlighted the spectrum of latino music, carrying on a tradition that went back to WWII.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Charlie Tuna 1980


Charlie with Steve Allen in 1999

Charlie used to have an amazing website.  News, stories, jokes.  We miss you Art.

 Right now it's a 1980 visit with Charlie.

Joe Allison 1971


The award winning Joe Allison leads the way to the Corner

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wolfman Jack 1975


Hey another Minnesotan!  Not really.  Bob Smith was a New Yorker that ended up running KUXL a soul station in Minneapolis.  That's where he worked out his act before working at the border blasters in Mexico.  Here's a 1975 visit with Wolfman.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Roger Carroll 1969


The Best Sounds in Town.  Roger is shared some wonderful radio with us.  When the AFRTS-LA talent would record their shows, every week they would be sent copies of their programs on LP.  The same disks we played in the field.  But a familiar DJ story is not seeing the value in airchecks until years later.  Most of the talent didn't save them  Roger saved a lot of them and is made them available to us.

Today it's late 1969... and time for the Roger Carroll show!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Andy Mansfield 1964


Andy Mansfield continues his 1964 tribute to Major Glenn Miller on "America's Popular Music" on AFRTS,

Tom Campbell 1971


Tom Campbell had an amazing focus.  He just sounds excited and like every last word is important. And it's not an act, he's excited about life,   He really could make reading the phone-book pop.  

Roland Bynum 1980


Roland Bynum is a making a Wednesday jump on AFRTS.

Bill Stewart 1967


I've always been a huge fan of the Quintet of the Hot Club of France.  You may have heard about Django Reinhardt.  It was his group.  I was listening to a Bill Stewart Show about Hugues Panassié the creator of the group.  When Bill was jazzing it was always a better show.  Take a listen:

New Facebook page

My book Facebook profile was hijacked. The new page for afrtsarchive, My Best Sounds and Roger Carroll Best Sounds in town

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Don Tracy 1984

No holding some people back.  Don was in Hartford, parlayed that into Los Angeles.  At the top of his game was doing the AFRTS show for a long time.  Thanks Don!

Don Tracy - 1984

More Don Tracy

Chris Noel 1969


Chris did the show for roughly four years and still has an impact over four decades later.  A while back she shared her copies of these shows with us.  There will be new ones every week for a long time. Thank you Chris!

Now Chris helps vets with a shelter for homeless vets.  Visit Vetsville (click here)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

BennyBrown AFN 1994


Benny had sent in a 1994 "Saturday Gold" show.  Benny had been a trooper in Vietnam and eventually parlayed that into rocking at AFN.  After that staying in Europe with a long-term gig at flamethrower Radio Luxembourg.  Play it loud!

Joe Ferguson 1983


The Joe Show returns.  Joe Ferguson was at KUPL in Portland OR and the show went worldwide.  Joe was kind enough to share his copies and these are good...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

John Doremus 1967


Jose Fritz did a very nice writeup about the life of John Doremus.

Now some music for the dinner hour:

Gene Price 1975


Welcome back Gene Price!  In 1975 I was making my career choices and you helped me decide on the army.  Many Thanks.  Here are all four shows for Roger Carroll's company.  2/75

Mary Helen Barro 1983


Are you ready to salsa? meringue?  Mary Helene Barro played the best in Latin music for decades on AFRTS.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Charlie Williams 1972


After Joe Allison, KFOXs Charlie Williams hosted the Country Corner for a short while.

Wolfman Jack 1975


Here comes the Wolfman! Through the magic of magic, The Wolfman howls!

Roger Carroll 1970


In 1970 Roger visited the stations and troops in Germany and did a show from AFN.  The network picked this up and ran it worldwide.  Helping out out was future Baltimore personality Bob Moke.  Bob later did shows for AFRTS.  But on a day in 1970...