Friday, February 28, 2025

Tom Campbell 1973


Welcome back Tom Campbell, after Tom Campbell dominated San Francisco Radio he came to Los Angeles, jocked, found a bunch of voiceover work and was doing his show for AFRTS..

Hear Tom Campbell every day 11am Pacific 2pm Eastern on 

Tom Campbell - 1973

More Tom Campbell

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

AFN Iraq - They got Bin Laden 2011


This is great, AFN Iraq the morning after Bin Laden was killed.  Bet the PAO shop was there.
Here's Adam Prickle

Roland Bynum 1980


Roland Bynum discusses his career.

Jim Pewter 1967


AFKN vet Jim Pewter checks in periodically and it's always great.  We went to different schools together!  Jim had a lot to do with some of the greatest music.

Jim Pewter - 1967
More Jim Pewter

Don Tracy 1980


Imagine my surprise when I checked the website voicemail and there was a message from Don Tracy, offering whatever help he could.  Don sounds great.   Don started with AFRTS in 1973 and it was largely a weekend gig that got more interesting as time went by. It took a while for the fan mail to start and he had received a letter from Germany, asking if he'd like to come over as a morale builder. He went to in Nuremberg, to support AFN.  A big memory of that was when the Stars and Stripes reporter was going to make him look bad by asking about the government paid boondoggle.  It didn't work.  Don had taken vacation and paid for the trip out of pocket.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Chris Noel 1968


Chris Noel brought America to troops worldwide with a A Date With Chris.  She's dedicated her life to the troops.  I'm grateful.  Now Chris has a shelter for homeless veterans Click here.  She saved most of her shows and is sharing them with us.

Hear Chris's show every day, 9pm Pacific, 12 Eastern on

Joe Ferguson 1983


Joe Ferguson is back. Joe was one of the US jocks that AFRTS contracted to really be the Voice of Home.  Joe sent the shows along to share and I for one am very grateful.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jim Ameche 1961


Jim was the voice of beautiful music, great orchestras and the sounds around.  He had roughly a ten year run with the network, during much of that time with KMPC as a day job.

The Other Air War 1967


 Sometimes I find the unexpected.  In the 60s, we received news panel shows on vinyl ETs.

In a bunch of them was this.  Jerry Golden and a team from WLS in Chicago produced a documentary about the air war in Vietnam.  Take listen to what can be done on recording tape...

The Other Air War 1967

More News

Gene Price 1974


Time for another visit with Gene Price, it's the summer of 1974 and Leonard says "hi"!

Mary Helen Barro 1983

I remember the Canal Zone..  It sure would be nice to stretch out on the beach.  Mary Helen Barro has the music.  You'll have to bring a beverage.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Charlie Tuna 1983


"Charlie Tuna, comin' back at you for another 60 minutes in the radio". Just say it, you'll feel better!

Thanks for the memories Charlie.

Hear Charlie Tuna every morning at:
6am Pacific
7am Mountain
8am Central
9am Eastern

Johnny Bond 1961

Johnny's career started in the late 1930s with Jimmy Wakely and after that joining Gene Autry.  His biggest hit was in 1965 with "Ten Little Bottles"  but he had the big seller on this one:


Johnny did a long running show for us:


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wolfman Jack 1973


Are you Wolf enough?

Wolfman's on a tear on this 1973 recruiting broadcast for the Air Force.

Roger Carroll 1972


It's a celebration of Wednesday.  1972 memories of RC and the Happy Hour on AFRTS.

Mary Turner 1983


Mary Turner and Ted Nugent

Mary Turner was the opposite of GI Jill and Chris Noel, a broadcaster that was a female, it kept with the times, yet still was the girl left behind.

When Mary started her show we were concerned about how an hour of slamming rock and roll would go over.  I knew the troops would love it but the Colonel.  The Canal Zone civilians?  They really liked to complain.  It went over great and was a wonderful addition.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Vance Graham 1973


KMPCs Vance Graham sees Amelia Earhart off.

Latino! A special program, presented five times a week. With Victor, at your service.

"Victor" was Vance Graham.  An announcer who's career went back to WWII when he was doing news at KMPC.  Later he worked at KFI.  Prior to Latino, Vance did the "Bolero Time" program for AFRTS.  "Vance Graham Bolero Show"  was a daily feature at KTYM Los Angeles in the 1950s.

We ran TWO Latin shows at the same time? I didn't know this. The other show was Viva!

Herman Griffith 1967


Jim Pewter, Herman Griffith and Roger Carroll

Herman Griffith kicked up a storm, with KGFJ and with AFRTS.  I wish I knew more of his story.  Roland Bynum says that Herman helped him get his job with us.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Turn Back the Clock 1958


Turn Back the Clock was a regional show that ended up on NBC (regional?) in 1955.  They came over to AFRTS and shared songs from their personal collection.  They've got some good ones today.

Tom Campbell 1971


A few years ago Tom sent along a bunch of shows.  These are at the beginning of the run. 

Roland Bynum 1980


Roland's back with some really wonderful music.  Partytime starts now!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Golden Days of Radio 1984


A few years ago Frank's amazing record collection went on the market.  But these were the days, a 1951 Lux Radio Theatre production of Sunset Boulevard.

Bill Stewart 1969


Amazing talent from KMPC

Bill Stewart is back for another swinging hour.  It's a little jumpy near the beginning but it fills the Bill..

Jim Pewter 1980


Jim Pewter is back with a "Beach Party Reunion", songs of summer and surf.
Here comes summer...

Don Tracy 1985


Where's the party?  Anywhere Don Tracy is.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Chris Noel 1968


Right now it's memories of 1968.  Good year for some, bad year for others.  Chris made it better.  Click the link to hear the memories

Hear Chris Noel every night at 9pm Pacific/12pm Eastern on

Joe Ferguson 1983


Joe Ferguson was the first one to share his disks with us.  It's been a few years and the shows keep coming.  I appreciate it very much!

Hear Joe every day:
9AM Pacific
11AM Central
1201PM Eastern

Monday, February 10, 2025

Jim Ameche 1965


Jim Ameche had the most beautiful sounds around.  An hour of orchestral music, with just the right touch of personality.  Jim had knocked around in radio since the 1930s but hit his stride with syndicated DJ shows starting in the 1950s.  As the man that made syndicated DJ shows work he was a natural for the world's largest radio network.

Gene Price 1974


Gene Price updates us on the benefits of joining todays all volunteer force!  These programs would run on local radio here in the states and be credited as 25 minutes of Public Service time.  Very popular on Sunday morning.

Ira Cook 1974


He started his career at KMTR in 1938 (later became KLAC) , working as a record librarian and occasionally as an announcer. A recent graduate from Stanford with a degree in basic medical science, his passion for radio began at the tender age of eight during a visit to a local station with his father. Ira, a native of Duluth, Minnesota, recounted in a detailed interview, "During World War II, at the Battle of the Bulge, we lost 10 to 15 guys from my platoon." Post-war, Ira teamed up with Frank Bull to broadcast boxing and wrestling matches from the Olympic Auditorium. Later, he became the host of Lucky Lager Dance Time on KFAC and pursued his interest in songwriting.

In a 1957 Newsweek story connected with a payola probe, Ira made the following comment about being a DJ: "It's safer than stealing, more legal than gambling, easier than loafing, and it beats working!"

Mary Helen Barro 1983


Celebrate with a 1983 show with Mary Helen Barro y la musica mejor!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Charlie Tuna 1980


That picture is from the AFRTS-LA promo set of 8x10s that went to every station. We lost Charlie a while back.  The family is working on a tribute at

It's a trip to 1980, a Friday and time for the Charlie Tuna Show.

Joe Allison 1967


First couple of minutes on this are a little rough, but Joe has a nice show here.  Rich Green from AFRTS Kwajelein visits with Joe

Wolfman Jack 1973


Summer in the city.  The summer of 1973...

Wolfman's back with more information about the Air Force .  I remember these from when I was a kid....

Roger Carroll 1972


really wish I had both sides of this one.  Roger Carroll was celebrating Friday, it was 1972 and bandleader Les Brown stopped by.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Mary Turner 1985


A solitary GI yearning for a female voice found solace in Mary Turner's broadcasts, as she carried on the legacy of GI Jill, Rebel Randall, and Chris Noel, speaking directly to the hearts of the troops.

Herman Griffith 1972


Herman Griffith with Jim Pewter and Roger Carroll

Hey, brave and the bold! He sure rocked. Here's more of the KGFJ vet. Herman's story is here.

Herman Griffith - 1972

More Herman Griffith

Andy Mansfield 1963


Andy Mansfield loved his oldies, but when you start doing an oldies show in the 1950s we hear big band and before.  His first show was with his wife but always it was some of his favorites from his collection.

Tom Campbell 1971


Tom Campbell is back with what's happening stateside.  Today we see what's going on in Honolulu from KPOI.

Tom has sent over a bunch of shows that he did and his best wishes.  Enjoy!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

One Night Stand 1962

 Well into the 1960s radio had remote broadcasts from the big bands.  AFRTS played these for the troops worldwide on One Night Stand.  A little piece of home.

Si Zentner had a very good band.  Unfortunately, the big bands were dying out.  But they'll always have a magic:

Roland Bynum 1980


It's a Monday in 1980, but don't let that get you down.  Soulin' and Roland...a perfect combination. Here's Roland Bynum with another hour of favorites. And still lookin good...

Bill Stewart 1969


Amazing talent from KMPC

Bill Stewart is back for another swinging hour.  It's a little jumpy near the beginning but it fills the Bill..

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Jim Pewter 1976


Jim was another giant, I wish I had more tape of the show. Jim was an AFKN vet, who went on to be a successful producer, songwriter and jock. Today we take another look at rocks beginnings. The top seven hits of 1964.

Straight ahead, don't bunch up...

Jim Pewter - 1976

More Jim Pewter



Don Tracy 1980


It's Don Tracy with another hour of favorites.  I'm still in suspense.  Don has some things coming up that could be good.  But right now, Don Tracy!

Chris Noel 1970


Chris Noel back with another hour of memories of 1970.

Chris has a new book "Filming Cease Fire" about the movie she did with Don Johnson. "Cease Fire" was the first movie to deal with PTSD.   

Monday, February 3, 2025

Joe Ferguson 1983


Joe Ferguson checking in from Portland OR and KUPL with The Joe Show.

Jim Ameche 1965


"The Most Beautiful Sounds Around" is a phrase that evokes the rarity of orchestral music today. Jim Ameche, a prominent figure during the golden age of radio, introduced it to AFRTS. He remained a successful DJ, sustaining his stardom beyond his radio days.

Gene Price 1980


Gene wrote a holiday book for kids of all ages, it's a nice read and great for holiday giving.

Gene Price is back with your kind of country.  It's memories of 1980 on AFRTS

Hear Gene at  5am Pacific, 8am Eastern on

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ira Cook 1970


Ira Cook with Singer Becca Adler

It's a Friday in 1970, and a happy day!